Whatever you are facing....

A Legal Practice in DFW that will be there to stand by you and guide you through whatever legal challenge you may face.

You are not alone

a small paper toy with a sad face
a small paper toy with a sad face
15+ years experience
100+ happy clients

When life gets hard...

Let us make life a little easier for you

Limitless solutions

Being involved in a legal matter, or being in a situation where you need to file is emotionally draining, complicated and can potentially lead to serious consequences.  To make matters worse, legal costs are on the rise.  Set up a consultation to see how we can make everything a little easier and tailor a plan specifically to your needs. 

gold angel figurine on white surface
gold angel figurine on white surface

How can we help...

It does not take much for legal matters to spin out of control when we least expect.  If this has happened, or you are worried it might, we can help with a variety of legal issues.  

Family Law
Criminal Defense
Civil Lawsuits
Small Claims
Unbundled/Limited Services
Full Representation

Take control...

We can tailor service to what you individually need. Some people want an attorney to help them through an entire case. Others may just want an attorney to draft a particular motion. Whatever the situation, we are here to discuss the situation and craft an individual legal plan that will keep you in control of the legal process and the costs.

No surprises. Let's set up a legal plan that is specific to your circumstances.